Welcome to my blog posts.

I try to stay consistent, by posting one post per week (normally on a Tuesday). My mailing list provides a summary at the end of each month, which you can join to your right (or scroll down if you’re on your phone).

My posts are split into various categories which I have listed here. Just below the categories are the recent posts arranged in date order. I hope you find what you are looking for here, and that my stories, experiences and lessons can help you on your journey.

Nobody knows what they are doing 100% of the time, especially with adult life, so it’s all good. If there is anything I have missed, or you would like more insight on, feel me to contact me.

Happy reading.

Most recent posts

<strong>How to make the most of your graduate scheme</strong>

How to make the most of your graduate scheme

I am pretty much 18 months into my 2-year grad scheme, by the time this...
<strong>What to do if you’re not enjoying your graduate scheme</strong>

What to do if you’re not enjoying your graduate scheme

Picture this: You have started your graduate scheme role and you’re filled with enthusiasm and...
What to do up here: Phoenix Art Club

What to do up here: Phoenix Art Club

Well, this has become a mini-series of posts. I will keep adding as I find...
<strong><u>How to set achievable New Year’s resolutions</u></strong>

How to set achievable New Year’s resolutions

As we leave January and enter the remainder of the year, you are probably finding...
<strong>How to attend Christmas markets</strong>

How to attend Christmas markets

It may be January, but this is the time to start preparing for Christmas markets...
Adult vs Child

Adult vs Child

When you start to adult, things that used to hit one way as a child...