Welcome to my blog posts.

I try to stay consistent, by posting one post per week (normally on a Tuesday). My mailing list provides a summary at the end of each month, which you can join to your right (or scroll down if you’re on your phone).

My posts are split into various categories which I have listed here. Just below the categories are the recent posts arranged in date order. I hope you find what you are looking for here, and that my stories, experiences and lessons can help you on your journey.

Nobody knows what they are doing 100% of the time, especially with adult life, so it’s all good. If there is anything I have missed, or you would like more insight on, feel me to contact me.

Happy reading.

Most recent posts

Prioritising Your Mental Health in Adulthood

Prioritising Your Mental Health in Adulthood

It’s mental health awareness week, and mental health whether you are concerned about it or...
How to figure out your career

How to figure out your career

I have finished my secondment at another company being a project manager, and I am...
<strong><u>How to professionally put yourself out there</u></strong>

How to professionally put yourself out there

People always say, “put yourself out there”, to be recognised and noticed. This is meant...
<strong><u>How to get your deposit back when you move out</u></strong>

How to get your deposit back when you move out

This is one of my nightmares as a tenant. If there is one thing that...
<strong><u>How to get noticed in your career</u></strong>

How to get noticed in your career

This is really important if you intend on progressing in your career. I don’t necessarily...
<strong>Lessons you have to learn that you won’t want to</strong>

Lessons you have to learn that you won’t want to

I’m 18 months in to being a full adult, left to roam the world and...