Things can get very repetitive when you’re an adult. This is incredibly common if you work a regular routine job and have events/activities, you end up in a repetitive cycle. It’s not wrong, I think that’s how society is built to keep us in the cycle, but it can feel very mundane. There might even come a point where you feel bored and drained from the monotonous way of living. This has happened to me a few times, and here are the steps I have taken to make adulting more exciting!

Treat Yourself
Do whatever you heart desires in the moment. That’s the benefit of the treat.
When I am overwhelmed with boredom, I have some things in my possession to spark an interest again. I can play on my Switch, start a new colouring page with an audiobook or watch some cliché Disney movies. I get bored because my brain is used to doing the same thing everyday, especially when I am focussed on one project at work. My brain needs the distraction to break the circuit. Something that invokes an emotion in me, that takes me away from my reality. That difference is refreshing for me, and I can easily take advantage of it for a couple of hours or a couple of days.
Treating yourself, is about doing what you need to regain some sense of control. When you have that feeling of control, the boredom weakens and general existence seems enjoyable again. And when there is a sense of enjoyment (natural and genuine), adulting begins to feel exciting again.

Try out exciting activities
Try out new sports or outlets to relieve stress, frustrations and to ground yourself.
Even if the activity doesn’t stick, trying something new once in a while changes the routine, and makes things more varied. Humans love a challenge, so why not try something that you don’t normally do. If you like being active, try a new sport. Or if you like being creative, try a new design or style. If you like watching tv on the sofa, why not blast your favourite songs and have a dance party.
I know I hate doing anything with cardio, unless it’s fun and disguised in a different challenge. So, I did some research on ways of hiding cardio, but still doing it. So, I joined a boxing class and a bounce class. Boxing I do with a friend, and Bounce I attend happily solo and with company. To make the activities more exciting, I ordered a smart watch* to monitor my exercise. Now I attend the classes, and enjoy the recording of the exercise I have done. So far, I have enjoyed the classes enough to keep going, so we shall see what happens when I get bored. Both classes have different people, routines and exercises, so my interest is always piqued.
*An affiliate link. If you click and purchase something I may earn a commission. Thank you
Nothing beats being excited to celebrate something. So, why not celebrate something. A win, a birthday, a random achievement, that is not a typical milestone. Who cares?! You don’t even need a reason.
I’ll admit, I have been preparing for my birthday and I decided to throw a party for the first time in forever. There is something about celebrating something for myself, and funding it alone and designing and planning it for me. I have been getting more excited about it as the day gets closer. I have no idea if everyone will enjoy it, but I will. This could fall in the same remit as treating yourself, but I label it separately, as a treat is a small distraction. But the celebration is a build-up of excitement to a main event.
- Having a varied lifestyle, can change the perspective on the level of fulfilment you get from life.
- We won’t always feel like there is a specific reason for existing, so why not just enjoy this time we do have.
- Only you can define what makes your life exciting, so do what you want
- Adulting is taking your life and enjoyment in your own hands – why not be excited about that responsibility?